Details about me

Assuming you ended up on this page to learn a bit about me, right? Here we go...

If you happen to know of/about me at all, then you probably already know that I am the creator/founder of Avoid The Hack (avoidthehack). You probably also know that Avoid The Hack is a privacy/cybersecurity website for individuals and micro-sized organizations. I write all of the content for - sometimes I incorporate input from the greater privacy and cybersecurity communities.

I also manage the servers running and participate in web exploitation "research." Professionally, I work in cybersecurity supporting an operational threat-intel environment. I'm always learning, whether it's about privacy, cybersecurity, writing, or "life" in general.

I'm also an aspiring science fiction author. Often, when I am not technical writing/researching for Avoid The Hack or my day job, I'm working on my first science fiction novel.

Other hobbies

While writing is both a passion and part of my day job, I'm also big into gaming and staying fit. If I'm not writing, I can usually be found gaming - I pretty much game exclusively on my Windows PC.

If not gaming, I'm probably doing something active like hiking, working out, or swimming. If not any of the above then I am probably lost in a book somewhere or hanging out with family/friends.

Past work

Feel free to check out my current projects.
